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Helps me pass the time.
Find me on Polyvore

That I am
uncontrollably, inexcusably,
ridiculously in love.

My little Tornado

I went to go see the Kills and the Horrors at Glasshouse last Thursday.
Finally got the pics up.

They were f a n t a s t i c.

Oh VV ♥

I officially have a huge crush on Faris Rotter

Justin's back!

And I'm giddy.
6 months.
I missed him.
I miss summer.

I loved playing out my grungy side with him.

I've come to find

I enjoy many absurdities.
In all honesty,

Here's an impromptu photo shoot by my friend Lizz.
Taking photos behind the drama room is what all the cool kids do.

Cuttlefish and Giant squids, too.

But that's a post for another day.

The band is that I'm referring to.

"Novocaine for the soul" and "Fresh feeling"
are my favorites.

Have a listen if you haven't before.

On a gray tile floor.

Today was supposed to be full of adventure.

Instead I literally "got all dressed up with nowhere to go"

So I decided to take some pictures and start a blog.

Sounds good, right?

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