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not living
no more
no less
what happens?
does life end?
Or does new life begin?

Wanting answers
living with ignorance
a question to be solved
at the grand finale

That's it
Or is it?
Who knows
I don't
I wish
I did
It would
make life
so much

I'll just
have to

I feel a detatchement with the world
with my body
with my life
What happened?
A seperation of sorts
as if a dense fog has covered everything I thought I knew

I try to catch up
but it's like running a race I can never win
Alone, unsure, overly sentimental
those are the batons passed to me as I run
things blur and meld together in an explosion of speed
I think I made things worse

I feel like my brain is convex
Attempting to expand but reaching it's limits far too early
I get overwhelmed so easily
Thoughts whirring and colliding like atoms in the LHC
Is everyone's though process comparable to the big bang?
My hormonal outcry for validation
Never to succeed for subconscious barriers hold strong
After all, things will continue to appear and insist on my undeserving

Where do I go from here?
Is this how the movie ends?
How do you find depth in a puddle?

Laughter, chiming like so many bells signaling a church sermon
people filled with faith, with belief, with hope
Where is my faith?
Is it under the fog, with it's opaque shroud concealing reality
My own, skewed, version of reality
I want to wake up, but I am awake.

Is anything real anymore?
The only thing I know to be real is emotion.
Pulsating, nearly tangible. I feel and feel and feel but nothing seem to fit the feelings.
How can I have any feeling if I'm not even sure about anything?
Is this how the movie ends?
Lights fade, camera pans slowly over a girl with no sense of up or down
right and wrong
love and hate
word's dont do emotion justice.
How can you put feelings into literary terms?
It destroys the value.
Then again, who gives value to anything.
Where is the line drawn that dictates value.
Everything is so relative.
Nothing means anything, everything means something.
Maybe I'm not making sense because I can't.
You can't make sense of the senseless, and that's what my life has become, or always was.
That's what the universe is, total nonsense.


Is effin addicting.

This is what you get when you combine one of my favorite books, one of my favorite actors and one of my favorite directors <3

I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter.
I loved it.

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Thanks to summerschool, I've been watching a ton of those "underdog comes out on top" movies.

At first I was reluctant, because those types of movies never interested me. Now, I'm glad I have. They're all so inspiring. they remind me anything is possible.

I am a *huge* nerd.

This is my second favorite shirt [first favorite being my delightful Radiohead Tee <3]

Wearing it today during summer school and playing Pokemon remind me that embracing the geekier things in life is one of the best feelings in the world.

{sadly, the website I got it from seems to be defunct.}

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You know what must be the funniest sight on earth?
Two teenage girls and a teenage boy, sitting with the windows down in a car in a dark parking lot, clapping out syllables.

Oh yes, I'm talking about what you used to do in grade school.
We did this for a solid 10 minutes, because we were trying to figure out how many syllables are in multiple names, and kept getting confused.

Feh *clap* lee *clap* shuh *clap* Felly *clap* Shuh *clap* Feh *clap* lee *clap* see *clap* uh *clap* WHY CANT I FIGURE THIS OUT?!"

You know what must be funnier?
The fact that none of us knew if the name "Ana" had one or two syllables.

UPDATE: We asked Ana. It is in fact 2 syllables.

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Modern yo-yos.

More letters.

Dear boy: UGH. That is all.

Dear p.e class: I love you guys. I'm always happy from the compliments I get. Thank you.

Dear Cast of "A very Potter musical": I died laughing. That was absolutely amazing. Major applause.

Dear the mile I had to run today: You may have won this time, but don't worry. Next time, you're going DOWN.

I love to read.
When I was little I got teased for it.
Luckily, that didn't stop me much.

I'm currently reading two books for school and two books for me.

They are:
Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
and The invisible man by Ralph Ellison
Slaughterhouse V by Kurt Vonnegut and Conquest of happiness by Bertrand Russell

So far I think I like invisible man the most. It is impeccably written.

What was the last thing you read?
I want a wall like this one.

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There's something special about bursts of color lighting up the night sky ♥

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This is what happens when you take one nerdy girl, a supply of markers and some $2 flipflops.

I just discovered today.
Can I please say
oh. my. god.


Dear nice woman I met today:

Thank you for the random crochet lesson.
Thank you for the gorgeous yarn.
Thank you for giving me faith in the kindness of strangers.

Dear boy who watched five Micheal Jackson music videos in a row:
I understand your pain. You must really miss him.
I admire your appreciation of his music.
I believe what you did was a necessary part of the healing process.

Dear woman with the broken computer:
I'm glad I happened to be around to help you.
I'm glad I managed to fix it.
I'm glad you let a 15 year old girl fix your computer in the first place.

Dear cool boy in the library:
It's okay to like books.
It's okay to like reading.
I wouldn't have judged you, you didn't have to put up a front.

Dear reader:
You're pretty stellar
You're actually reading this?
Well, in that case, I love you.

{Image by nickpix2009 via Flickr}
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RIP :(

Billy Mays, you made me love infomercials.

Hope you're pitchin' products n the sky now.

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"I tend not to go for the prettier ones. I prefer the quirkier types."

Rupert Grint outside the premiere of 'Harry Po...

Rupert Grint

"After being in Harry Potter, I believe more in magic than I did before."
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